As of March 4th rooms at both our main hotel and secondary hotel are fully booked. There remains a chance that rooms may open up as cancellations happen, so feel free to try the booking links below to see the current status of room availability. Alternatively, you can try the room share channel on our discord server to find available space in a room.
1000 Glenmore Court SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2C 2E6
Phone: (403) 279-8611
Toll Free: (800) 661-3163
Room bookings can only be made online. If you call the hotel to book a room, they will direct you to do it online and cannot make a reservation over the phone.
Standard rooms start at $159.00, based on double occupancy and includes breakfast. Additional taxes apply.
You must be logged in to book a room.
5940 Blackfoot Trail SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2H 2B5
Phone: (403) 252-2253
Toll Free: (800) 661-1151
Standard rooms start at $164.00, based on double occupancy. Additional taxes/fees apply. This includes:
*Room includes breakfast for two people. Additional breakfasts extra.
You must be logged in to book a room.